
Day 1, 27 August 2024

Time Schedule
3:30 PM
6:00 PM
Opening Remarks
6:30 PM
Welcome Reception
8:30 PM

Day 2, 28 August 2024

TIME Schedule
7:30 AM
Morning Snacks and Beverages Provided
8:30 AM
Opening Worship

8:40 AM

Why IDRN? Why North Korea? / Isaac Lee

9:00 AM

Welcoming Remarks / Hosea Kim

9:10 AM

Introduction of Speakers / Peter Lee 

9:20 AM

Keynote Speech / KiSung Bang

9:40 AM

Introduction to the history of IDRN Global / 
Matt Wallace and IDRN activists (Elmer, Daron, Timothy)

10:30 AM

11:00 AM

IDRN Philippines Update / Elmer Gelbolingo

12:30 PM
Lunch Break

2:00 PM

Congratulatory Remarks / JinHyung Kim (via zoom)

2:10 PM

Updates & Introduction to New Global Network / Matt Wallace

2:30 PM

Introduction of Breakout Session Topics and Speakers / Peter Lee 

2:40 PM

Breakout Session 1

#1.The Role of Medical NGOs for Refugees in Disaster Areas / YongJoon Park

#2.Climate crisis and disaster relief / JungHee Min

#3. Relief efforts in Japan earthquake / YoungSang Cho

#4. KRIN and Korean Unification / Derek Seipp

3:40 PM
Break / move to the next disscussion room
4:00 PM

Breakout Session 2 (Same content as Session 1)

5:00 PM

5:30 PM

Global Refugee outbreaks and disaster relief / Tim Cross (via zoom)

6:30 PM
Dinner Break
7:30 PM

The reality of North Korea’s MZ generation and Change within North Korea
/ YoungHo Thae

8:30 PM

Day 3, 29 August 2024

TIME Schedule
7:30 AM
Morning Snacks and Beverages Provided
8:30 AM
Tour introduction & Group photo
9:00 AM

Transfer to DMZ

10:30 AM

DMZ Tour

Lunch Break
2:00 PM

DMZ Tour
(2nd Tunnel, Cheorwon Peace Observatory,
North Korean Labor Party Building, Ruins of Cheorwon Methodist Church)

5:00 PM
Dinner Break
7:00 PM
Return to hotel

Day 4, 30 August 2024

TIME Schedule

7:30 AM

Morning Snacks and Beverages Provided

8:30 AM

A Newly Emerging Famine in the DPRK?/ Andrew s. Natsios (via zoom)

9:25 AM

Theory & Practice of Effective Response Exercises / Michael Andrews

10:30 AM

11:00 AM

Making Theory Practical: An Interactive Session for N Korea Response Exercise Development / Michael Andrews

12.30 PM
Lunch Break

2:00 PM

Committing to Action: Discussions & Plans for Korean Collaboration in the Near Future / Peter Lee

3:00 PM
Closing Ceremony
3:30 PM
Closing Worship